인도계 중국인의| The One with Han Seth Lu – On Cultural Richness, Leadership, and Mental Health: Episode 18 (2020)

인도계 중국인의| The One with Han Seth Lu – On Leadership, Biracial Identity, and Mental: Episode 18 (2020)
Mo' Sibyl | Podcaster www.mosibyl.com


The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Han Seth Lu – On Leadership, Biracial Identity, and Mental Health

There is no doubt that a person’s mental development is linked to the environment in which he was raised; however, it is essential to highlight that irrespective of the surrounding environmental condition, it is possible to rise above the hindrances and pursue a better life. My guest today is one who was determined to rise above the limitations of his environment but instead allowed it to propel him into the life he now lives. Everyone meet Han Seth Lu, the young man who is positively influencing his community.

Growing up in Myanmar, Han faced the challenge of poor quality education resulting from the military rule and was discriminated against for being biracial. Despite these, his desire for personal growth and dedication to his community drove him to pursue better education in the US and co-founding the Noor Education and Community Center in Bago, Myanmar, where other young people can be empowered to achieve their goals through leadership training.

Talk about resilience! Today, Han is a senior at the University of Central Oklahoma, studying Early Childhood Education with a minor in Leadership. He once served as the president of the University of Central Oklahoma International Student Council, UCO Global Leadership Ambassador, and was Mister UCO International 2019. He is a youth activist and has hosted four editions of the Myanmar YouthSpeak Forum between 2015 and 2019.

In this episode, we talk about the impact of his biracial identity on his childhood, cultural identity, his passion for leadership education, mental health advocacy, and sexuality. Han shared a gem on how he manages his mental health struggles, listen to this episode to find out how! And yes, to MENtal health!


“Being unhappy is normal”

“Culture is something that you should be proud of, don’t suppress it. Whenever you have the opportunity, celebrate it.”

“You are who you are and you need to respect yourself even if nobody is respecting you.”

- Han Seth Lu


Go do great things,
