내 청소년| The One with Adenike - The Nigerian Youth: Episode 8 (2018)

내 청소년| The One with Adenike - The Nigerian Youth: Episode 8 (2018)
Mo' Sibyl | Podcaster

Why should we care or be passionate about Nigerian youths? We, the Nigerian youths, have been making headline news lately, and not in a flattering way. This is no surprise given that it takes more guts than glory to live in a country where surviving in itself should be listed as a skill on one’s CV.*

In this week’s episode, I interview a friend who’s just as passionate (if not even more) about Nigerian youths. We met at a mutual friend’s bridal shower two years ago. We talked about the challenges of being Nigerian and young and provide circumstantial solutions to moving our great nation forward with a special focus on this special demographic.

TL;DR: Nigerian youths might be ill-equipped but are certainly not lazy.

*Stolen and modified (with permission, of course) from Caroline Adeola Akinlotan’s Facebook status