고향으로 돌아 가기| The One with Mo!+Olabimpe [Hot Seat Edition 1] - "You Can Never Go Home Again": Episode 7 (2018)

고향으로 돌아 가기| The One with Mo!+Olabimpe [Hot Seat Edition 1]: "You Can Never Go Home Again" Episode 10 (2018)
Mo' Sibyl | Podcaster

There are things you just cannot do in life. You cannot use your pen until the last drop of ink is out, you cannot teach your cat tricks or take it to obedience school, and you cannot go home again. ‘Home,’ the four-letter word that means different things to every one of us.

This week’s episode will be about my going back home after such a long time (seven years, specifically). The thought of visiting Nigeria after such a long time has left with me a lot of emotions – nervousness and a frisson of excitement to name a few.

To do justice to this issue, I had reached out to a couple of my friends to send me questions they either had regarding my visiting home after such a long time or questions I should be prepared to answer from my fine countrymen and women. The latter is of paramount importance as Nigerians are generally known for being too intrusive, or as I like to put it intentionally inquisitive.

Questions like “what took you so long to go home?,” “why have you gained a lot of weight, is it from eating too many burgers?,” “why don’t you have kids yet?,” “are you going to move back permanently,?” are examples of the classic ones. To that end, I invited my friend, Olabimpe, to read out those questions to me while I attempted to answer them all; hence the hot seat edition (watch out for more of these, BTW).

Upon my return, there will be another post-evaluation to see how well my expectations were managed or not.

P.S: Can you ever really go back home, especially if you have become one of those neither-here-nor-there people?