Posts tagged healthtalk
정신과 의사| The One with Dr. Manuel Mota-Castillo- On Attention-Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder: Episode 38 (2019)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Dr. Manuel Mota-Castillo- On Attention-Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder 

Dear, Mosiblings!

I was honored to have had Dr. Manuel Mota-Castillo – a child and adolescent psychiatrist – on the show. Dr. Mota is Dominican Republic descent and for the past 28 years has served people of all ages in Florida, NM and Arizona and currently practices in Florida.

In this episode, we talk all things ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder); its definition, reasons for hyperactivity in children, and how it should be rightfully diagnosed and conservatively managed. Drawing from his clinical experience and using his latest book as a guide, Dr. Mota helps clarifies the differences between ADHD, bipolar disorder, conduct disorder, and oppositional-defiant disorder. Dr. Mota also provided answers to the audience questions on the roles of diet, vaccines, CBD oil on ADHD; resources for parents; reasons for over-diagnosis and overuse of stimulants; causes of ADHD; and implication for children in third-world countries with ADHD.

Finally, I hope this episode serves as a reminder for parents and caregivers to seek second and third opinions regarding these diagnoses before pumping your kids/wards with the wrong medications. In the meantime, go grab a copy of his latest book on ADHD; it’s a worthy read!

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투병 중인 암| The One with Dr. Ernie Kaninjing – On Black Men and Prostate Cancer: Episode 37 (2019)

투병 중인 암| The One with Dr. Ernie Kaninjing – On Black Men and Prostate Cancer


Dear, Mosiblings!

In this episode, you will see me get my nerdy on, like for real. I began conducting cancer research since 2012 and my focus was on Black men. This interest was borne from a personal loss of my father-figure who lost his battle to prostate cancer in 2006. My research focuses on the socio-behavioral aspects of cancer and measuring outcomes related to the cancer continuum from prevention to survivorship.

While cancer is very difficult to understand, there are several proactive tips we can take to reduce our likelihood of getting it and also with early detection, improving our chances of not dying from it. In this episode, I sat down with Dr. Ernest Kaninjing – another cancer scientist who hails from Cameroon – to talk about why Black men are at the most risk of prostate cancer than men of other ethnicities and what we can all do to begin to close that disparity gap.

Together, we unpacked our collective experience, spanning several publications and collaborations with other scientists all over Africa, Caribbean, and the US, to explore stigma, myths, risk factors, awareness, prevention, detection, survivorship, advocacy, and so much more related to cancer. In this period of thanksgiving, in addition to bickering about politics over the dinner table, I hope we can use this opportunity to have meaningful discussions with our loved ones about their health. I hope this episode serves as a reminder to those reading this to get their health check done. Wives, girlfriends, baby-mamas, nieces, and sisters, let’s get to work on improving the health of the men in our lives.

If you liked this episode, please let me know and don’t forget to share.

Summary Notes:

Get a yearly checkup done; know your numbers!

Know your family history (if you can).

Exercise regularly and consume more food with beneficial nutrients.


We also made a video about this episode; you can watch the 1-hr long feature on YouTube:

Be well and Happy Thanksgiving,


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