Posts tagged Lifeexperiences
우리 시어머니와 함께|The One with Deaconess Esther Adedipe - On Family, Faith, Loss, and Love: A Journey with Grandma: Episode 4 (2024)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 우리 시어머니와 함께|The One with Deaconess Esther Adedipe - On Family, Faith, Loss, and Love: A Journey with Grandma: Episode 4 (2024)

In this week's episode of "The More Sibyl Podcast," we're joined by a special guest, Deaconess Esther Adedipe, TDawg’s mom and my mother-in-law, fondly called Grandma. On the show, she shares her remarkable life journey. Born in 1946 to a devout family, Grandma reflects on her upbringing guided by her minister father, showcasing the values of courage and wisdom instilled in her from a young age. She recounts her academic achievements and fond memories of her family, highlighting her father's multifaceted talents and their influence on her skills and faith.

The conversation explores Grandma's love story with her late husband, Grandpa, revealing the timeless romance nurtured through handwritten letters and shared values. Amidst tales of motherhood and unexpected twists, Grandma's resilience and faith shine through as she navigates challenges with grace and perseverance. Grandma discusses the pressure from family members to have more children, especially sons, and the spiritual journey they embarked on to conceive twins after already having five children.

Grandma opens up about the profound loss of her beloved husband, sharing the deep grief and sense of loss that followed. Yet, her story is one of triumph over adversity, as she speaks candidly about finding strength in her faith and the support of her family during such a difficult time.

As Mother's Day echoes in the background, Grandma offers words of encouragement to mothers everywhere, sharing her wisdom on finding joy beyond loss and embracing new beginnings. The episode concludes with reflections on the joys of grandmotherhood, reminding listeners of the enduring power of love and family bonds.

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아버지의 유산 | The Life and Works of the Late Rev. Paul Ogunyale: Pioneering Herbal Medicine for Sickle Cell Patients and the “NICOSAN” Saga: Episode 21 (2023)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 아버지의 유산 | The Life and Works of the Late Rev. Paul Ogunyale: Pioneering Herbal Medicine for Sickle Cell Patients and the “NICOSAN” Saga: Episode 21 (2023)

The name 'Ogunyale' will surely ring a bell for anyone in the herbal medicine field in Nigeria. This week, we have the privilege of welcoming Mr. Oluniyi (Niyi) Ogunyale to our show. He is the son of the late Reverend Paul Ogunniyi Ogunyale, a true legend in the herbal medicine field in Nigeria and the founder of Nicosan (now called Paumascel), a breakthrough drug for managing sickle cell disease. Niyi takes us on a captivating journey, sharing life experiences and insights from his childhood in Oyo town, Oyo state, Nigeria.

During our conversation, we delve into the origin and history of the groundbreaking herbal drug and how his father founded it, including measures to prevent possible consumer addiction due to its alcohol content. We also explore the implications of the legal battle between the Ogunyales and the Nigerian Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development (NIPRD) over 'Nicosan.' Niyi shares his heartfelt account of the sad and heartbreaking events surrounding the case, shedding light on crucial details, including his father not signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

Towards the end of the show, Niyi and I engage in a thought-provoking discussion about the implications of cultivating trust between the local community and industry, given the legal battles the family is going through. He also emphasizes the importance of ensuring the accessibility and affordability of his herbal medicines while maintaining their quality and effectiveness. Niyi envisions his brand and an extension of his father’s legacy, Paumatree, gaining global recognition in the next 5-10 years, with a strong emphasis on retaining affordability and accessibility.

We deeply appreciate your continued support and encourage you to stay tuned for more engaging upcoming episodes!

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어린 시절의 추억| The One with Olabimpe - On Childhood Memories in Tenement Buildings: Episode 20 (2023)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 어린 시절의 추억| The One with Olabimpe - On  Childhood Memories in Tenement Buildings: Episode 20 (2023)

Welcome back to another thought-provoking episode of our podcast! This week, we're joined by the inspiring Olabimpe, sharing heartfelt experiences growing up in tenement buildings or "Face Me, I Slap You" houses. It's a part of my life I never thought I'd share publicly, but it's crucial to empower others through our story.

Tenement buildings are communal spaces where multiple families reside, sharing kitchens and bathrooms, often facing poor living conditions and overcrowding. We delve into the unique challenges and intricate relationships of this living arrangement. Our journey takes us into the shame, retraction, and challenges we faced living in such spaces and the lasting impact as adults. Olabimpe shares how it made her extra cautious and jumpy in unfamiliar places, while for me, it sparked an obsession with cleaning and maintaining a tidy space.

Growing up in these conditions was truly eye-opening. We discuss the reluctance to invite friends over due to stigmatization.  Even though we had control over our words and appearance, living conditions left emotional impacts, almost akin to PTSD, according to Olabimpe. Our experiences offer profound insights into the impact of housing situations on a child's emotional and mental well-being. Despite the challenges, we found strength in tight-knit relationships and community support. We address stigmatization and explore ways to break stereotypes and embrace our true selves.

Our parents played central roles throughout our stories, providing crucial support during tough times. Honoring them is essential, as they created a safe and loving environment despite the circumstances.

Reflecting on our journeys, we're proud of how far we've come and all we have gained. This episode offers hope that time and the smallest changes made to one's environment can bring positive change, and we're living proof of this.

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