미국에서 남아프리카로| The One With Essence - From New York to Johannesburg: Episode 20 (2022)

미국에서 남아프리카로| The One With Essence - From New York to Johannesburg: Episode 20 (2022)

How does one buy the house of their dreams in New York and then suddenly move to Johannesburg? That’s Essence Hayes’ story. Essence is a returning guest who I met through a community of podcasters on Facebook and who has helped me with Livestream questions during the pandemic.

Born and bred in New York, she recently moved to Johannesburg, South Africa, after first going on a yearly trip with friends and then being convinced by one of them to move. In this episode, she takes us through why she moved and her experience since, especially as a Black American in a country like South Africa, where identity politics is hugely relevant.

We discussed the difference in cost of living between New York and Johannesburg, the challenges in both cities, and how she has been building a community for herself and her child in a new environment.

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나이지리아에서 캐나다로| The One With Lamide - From Nigeria to Canada and Other Stories: Episode 19 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

나이지리아에서 캐나다로| The One With Lamide - From Nigeria to Canada and Other Stories: Episode 19 (2022)

Hi everyone! Welcome to this episode. Today, I have a returning guest and a special one at that - Lamide! She was on the podcast some years ago. She is someone who, despite all she has been through, still chooses to be joyful. She is a dentist, entrepreneur, event planner, and newbie tech sis whom we met in Nigeria in medical school and are currently in different countries. She lives in Canada with her family, and it’s been a good experience for her.

How has she been settling in, making friends, building a reliable and supportive community, and her career? How was she able to move to Canada during the pandemic? How has she been dealing with loneliness, moving from a sociable environment to a more independent one? Or the type of loneliness that came from the pandemic? How did she deal with the step down moving from Nigeria to Canada?

Lamide has been through a lot - losing her parents being the most painful of all, and she shared how she’s been able to rise above everything and what keeps her going.

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미스 마블| The One With Munjireen - On Life As A Muslim Bangladeshi-American Academic: Episode 18 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

미스 마블| The One With Munjireen - On Life As A Muslim Bangladeshi-American Academic: Episode 18 (2022)

Munjireen is a dear friend and brilliant colleague whose degrees and work experience speak for her. She is passionate about neuropsychology, mental health, and wellness.

Munjireen shared her experience as a second-generation Muslim Bangladeshi- American living in America with her parents and the culture shocks and differences she went through. We saw these similarities even as Nigerians.

We learn why her parents migrated to the USA, her experiences as an academic and how those have been shaped by her religion and nationalities, and how and why she is in public health, mental health, and refugee care.

Oh, and listen to how she and Ayomide gushed on and on about Ms. Marvel and all things nerdy!

Listen to the full episode here.

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아프리카의 아름다움과 성장| The One With Muloongo - On The Beauty and Growth of Africa: Episode 17 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

아프리카의 아름다움과 성장| The One With Muloongo - On The Beauty and Growth of Africa: Episode 17 (2022)

We have a returning guest on the podcast! Muloongo was last with us in 2018, and it’s great to have her back.

Muloongo is a fierce advocate for Africa, a pan-African thought leader who blogs about African and global issues on her platform, ONGOLO, and her mission is to change the narrative about Africa as a continent with little to offer. Her blog provides news, insights, and analysis on business, economy, lifestyle, people, politics, sports, and travel. She has a global audience of people with a passion for Africa. She also has experience across many sectors, including oil and gas and management consulting, from her 17 years in the corporate space. She shared what she’s learned about switching and growing careers.

Muloongo also shared her experience since returning from Singapore to London and the other seven countries she has lived in, and the inspiration behind ongolo.com.

As African arts and entertainment go ever more mainstream and global appreciation for Africa grows, there remains more work to be done, and we discussed with Muloongo about Africa’s politics and passivity, ideas and challenges, leadership, and strategies, and what each of us can to do help our continent more influential. We also hear about her books, career, and what she’s working on next.

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관계의 동력 역학| The One With The Two - On Power Dynamics In Relationships: Episode 16 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 관계의 동력 역학| The One With The Two - On Power Dynamics In Relationships: Episode 16 (2022)

In this episode, Ayomide and I talked about power dynamics in relationships and the forms they may occur. People often hesitate to talk about power dynamics in relationships–many perceive power as negative or manipulative. But power can be useful–even useful–for both parties in a relationship and can come in many forms: a friend who helped bring you out of a tough season, a teacher who helped form the values that have shaped you, or a friend you admire and who gives you good advice. But simply not talking about power makes it easier to be abused in relationships.

What exactly is power, and how does or should it affect relationships? What forms does the power take? How do we ensure we are using it for the good of others and just ourselves? When do power dynamics go bad in relationships? What do you do when you feel intimidated? This episode addresses all of these and more.

Listen to the full episode here.

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시간에 춤을 추는 방법| The One With Jenim Dibie - On How To Dance in Time: Episode 15 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:  시간에 춤을 추는 방법| The One With Jenim Dibie - On How To Dance in Time: Episode 15 (2022)

Our guest on this episode is my friend Jenim, a poet and a writer who I first met in college. She has written over 500 poems, two poetry anthologies, and just released her third book, How To Dance In Time. Jenim started writing from an early age and has since made a name for herself. In her spare time, she likes to read, dance, and watch The Office. She dreams of one day living in a house by the sea with ten dogs and having written a hundred books. 

Jenim has used her writing to process her negative experiences of verbal abuse, pain, and life pressures and found succor, strength, and expression by sharing her heart through her words.  We talked about her journey as a poet and writer, her struggles with depression, the fame that comes with the peaks and the lows that come with the valleys, and how she has been able to navigate both. She shared about writers who inspire her and those who were overwhelmed by their “demons” and how she works to avoid ending up like them. 

Jenim has found joy, which has positively affected her art. How did she do this? Listen to the full episode here.

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나이지리아 한국어 선생님| The One With Nneka - Korean As A Second Culture: Episode 14 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One With Nneka - Korean As A Second Culture

In this episode, we are talking about a topic dear to my heart–- the Korean language and culture! Esther Nneka Nnanna describes herself as “a struggling writer, digital entrepreneur, and culture enthusiast”. She’s also a content creator, Korean speaker and teacher, artist, and self-taught multi-lingual.

As a recent learner of Korean myself, I especially love seeing someone from my home country share this same love. I met her via her delightful Instagram handle, where she parodies Korean culture.

Nneka explored with us similarities between Korean culture and her own native Igbo culture as well as what aspects she believes Nigerian cultures can learn from. She took us on a step-by-step process of how she learned the language. We also explored how Korean leadership was deliberate about the directives, initiatives, and laws that help not just preserve but also profitably export their culture.

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특출난 아버지| The One With Rafiat and Her Dad - Exceptional and Exemplary Fatherhood: Episode 13 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One With Rafiat and Her Dad - Exceptional and Exemplary Fatherhood

For our annual Father’s Day giveaway, we asked our Instagram followers to share one extraordinary thing their father had done for them. The winner was Rafiat Akinwande, an ambitious Nigerian I have known from the African podcast community for a while now and looked forward to having on the show—having her dad as well was a welcome extra!

Rafiat talked about her dad, Mr. Kola Akinwande, with such love, honor, and endearment. One significant thing he did for her: because he had just lost his job when she gained admission into a good secondary school, he sold his shares to support her! In Ayomide’s words, “that is literally investing into your child!”

He, in turn, had many positive words to say about Rafiat. He also shared the values that guide him and how he tried to instill these values in his children. He also shared how his girls are especially dear to him because traditional culture has tended to think less of the girl child.

Rafiat also shared her favorite memories with her dad and the values and lessons she imbibed from him. We hope you will be as inspired as we were!

For women who didn’t have a good relationship with their dads, for fathers who didn’t get it right in raising their kids right from the onset, our dear Mr. Akinwande has a few words that will make all the difference for you.

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가장 사랑하는 아빠| The One With Dad - Daddy Dearest: Episode 12 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One With Dad - Daddy Dearest

Still in honor of Father’s Day this month, I interviewed my dad (yet again). As Ayomide said, “he is the most important father on this show,’, and I couldn’t agree more.

My dad is the most requested guest on the show. This is his third time on (the other two being in 2017 and 2018). This time, he shared his childhood experiences and how they formed his parenting style and his passion for education. Despite being born in a time when it wasn’t considered a priority, he struggled to obtain a solid academic foundation and did the same for us, and he views this as his greatest accomplishment.

Dad went ahead to share his thoughts on how busy dads can make time with their family without their work suffering. In many ways, this episode continues our previous conversations and I hope you enjoy it as much as Ayomide and I did.

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우리 아버지의 일생| The One With Jirade Bepo - On Baba: Fatherhood and Sacrifice: Episode 11 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One With Jirade Bepo - On Baba: Fatherhood and Sacrifice

Jirade has been on the show before and it’s great to have her again! In honor of Father’s Day, June 19, we invited Jirade to share with us the warm and inspirational relationship she had with her father. Baba, as everyone fondly called him, died a few weeks before we recorded this episode, while they were planning for his 79th birthday. It was a deep loss for everyone who knew Baba, who was loving, large-hearted, full of life, and loved the people in his life.

In this episode, Jirade shares about the kind of father Baba was, and the sacrifices he made, Including some warm memories.

We found her stories about her memories of Baba’s values and character very inspiring and emotional: you need to hear her tell them in her own voice.

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아리 아빠| The One With TDawg - From Foster to Forever Father: Episode 10 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

아리 아빠| The One With TDawg - From Foster to Forever Father: Episode 10 (2022)

In the Spirit of Father’s Day, my dear husband is the guest on this episode. TDawg and I would be married for eleven years later this month. For those who do not know, we have struggled with having a child biologically, so two years ago, we were blessed with Ariife, our foster child, who we have now been lucky to adopt.

I have known TDawg for 18 years and we have been many things to each other. At various points, he has been my French student, brother (in Christ), father, husband, advisor, and lover. And I’ve seen him perform his duty as an uncle, as a son, and as a nephew. Children love him deeply, and in this episode, he shares his experience of fathering an adopted child, especially as a man who, like many, took the time to be open to adoption. He also shares about his relationship with his own father, the values the older man passed down, and how these values have shaped him personally and in raising his own child.

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사랑과 상실| The One With Von Apochi - On Love and Loss: Episode 9 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

사랑과 상실| The One With Von Apochi - On Love and Loss: Episode 9 (2022)

In today’s episode, Ayomide and I interviewed my dear friend, Von Apochi. He is currently living in the US and is president of the SabiWaka Natural Company. He is also a business analyst in a top financial firm and an entertainer. He is proudly African, loves diverse cultures, and is sociable.

Von has a very supportive family and system and this episode reinforced my conviction of the value of family. In a similar vein, Von also has a deep love for Black Americans and refers to them as “our cousins.” We discussed some of the history of tension between African Americans and Africans.

We also discussed his entrepreneurship and the challenges he has faced, and he shared some of the lessons he’s picked up along the way, how he has managed his brand after the heat of fame, and what he is currently working on.

Finally, the episode gets heavy as we discuss Von’s grief since losing his sister, Tega Apochi Akpofure* (@tegaapochi), in January and how he’s been coping since her death.

Listen to the full episode here, and don’t forget to share it with others.

*In Memoriam of Tega Apochi Akpofure,

Mo! & Doc Ayomide

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여성 할례| The One With Jessica Puri - On Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C): Episode 8 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

여성 할례| The One With Jessica Puri - On Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C): Episode 8 (2022)

Female genital mutilation or cutting is a very old practice that is unfortunately still common in many countries and communities. In fact, it was only just got prohibited in the USA in 1996 and in Canada in 1997, and even then, many states are yet to take a firm stance on its abolishment. Those who advocate for FGM/C justify it with beliefs about marriage, perceived health and sexual benefits, and upholding tradition.

In this episode, Jessica, an expert in biological sciences, public health, and social sciences, takes us on the journey of her hands-on experience in FGM/C from her academic knowledge and research to her personal experience with victims, law enforcement, and legalities.

She also shares her personal life, battle with mental health, and academic successes. And how she navigated a move to the USA all by herself at just 17 to build the life she has today. An accomplished woman who traces her success to her faith, Jessica’s story not only inspired us but also highlighted the importance of living outside our comfort zones and shifting from just chasing your own desires to living a life focused on helping others.

Catch up on the episode here, and share it with your friends.

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The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 평화롭게 살자| The One With The Two – Mental Health isn't Personal; It's Relational: Episode 7 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 평화롭게 살자| The One With The Two – Mental Health isn't Personal; It's Relational: Episode 7 (2022)

In Ayomide’s words: “Mental health is not solely individual; it's very much social. It’s relational.”

May is mental health month, and the theme for this year is “Let’s connect.” In this episode, we talked about why mental health is more than just being about you - but relational and social—how you connect with others. We cannot attain the fullness of mental health until all areas of our lives are experiencing “peace” in the sense of relational wholeness. That’s what we discuss in this episode.

I shared my struggles with my mental health since I was ten, including losing a close friendship with which Ayomide shared his thoughts on. If you’ve lost (or are at risk of losing) a close friendship, you’ll find a lot to relate to here as we discuss managing such situations in light of our mental health. Then we go on to discuss anxiety, depression, and the challenges around taking medications for mental health issues!

Mental health and relationships are two very important areas of our lives—so be sure to share this episode’s link with everyone you know.

Let’s connect,

Mo! & Ayomide

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파도처럼 흐른다| The One With Urmi – On Being Bengali by Blood, Italian by Birth, Canadian by Love: Episode 6 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

파도처럼 흐른다| The One With Urmi – On Being Bengali by Blood, Italian by Birth, Canadian by Love: Episode 6 (2022)

Urmi Identifies as “Italian by birth, Bengali by blood, and Canadian by love.”

Urmi’s passion for women and children drives her to volunteer in nonprofit organizations and children’s hospitals and help underserved women raise money. She was born in Italy to Bengali immigrants, and she always felt out of place in both worlds. As a result, she gravitated toward interests in mental health, lifestyle, and financial education, especially how women are affected, but confessed she still, like many children of immigrants, struggles with feeling like a disappointment to her parents.

Urmi shares her experiences as an immigrant in Italy and navigating cultural differences and parental and family pressures. Yet, over time, she has managed to build a life that works for her and makes her happy amid all the pressure of their expectations and her experiences.

She took us down memory lane through her childhood, her feelings, struggles, achievements, and failures, and how they have made her the woman she is today. It was a delight to listen to her account and how she has learned to embrace all of her cultural identities.

If you’re an immigrant (or, as we prefer to say, expatriate), you’ll love this episode, but it’s also a celebration of family, relationships, and knowledge.

Find Urmi on IG @ urmamio.

Fear Forward,

Mo! & Doc Ayomide

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초강대국과 공동체| The One With The Two – On Superpowers & Communities - Episode 5 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

초강대국과 공동체| The One With The Two – On Superpowers & Communities - Episode 5 (2022)

In Mo's words, "I have realized that you can't keep hiding your light or diminishing your strengths. You must learn how to use it because there is just the power in letting it shine. What comes to you so effortlessly might be something someone else is trying to get."

This episode is about strengths, or as we describe them, your superpowers: identifying, cultivating, and using them to serve others besides yourself. After all, we don't want to be like a new superhero who doesn't realize their own strength.

We also discuss how relationships and communities help you hone your superpowers and how we manage our excesses for a more significant cause. The conversation starts with Ayomide and I sharing our high points for the week. It then turns into what might be one of the show's most enlightening and soothing episodes ever.

What's your superpower, that thing others wonder how you do so easily? How do you let it shine? How do you strengthen it? How do you make sure you aren't selfish with it? How do you use it to make the world a better place?

Hear our answers to these questions on the episode here, and then share yours in the comments on Instagram!

Shine on, you super, you!

Mo! & Ayomide

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러시아계 미국인이 되는 것| The One With Natasha – On being Russian - American and Other Stories: Episode 4 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

러시아계 미국인이 되는 것| The One With Natasha – On being Russian - American and Other Stories: Episode 4 (2022)

Describing Russia in a 1939 radio broadcast, Winston Churchill said, "It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma." Like a matryoshka doll, one might say?

Today we have a wonderful guest, a dear friend since graduate school (The University of Texas, Austin #Hookem!), where she was my senior – Dr. Natasha Shcherbakova, super smart but very down to earth. Natasha is currently an associate professor at the Western England University, College of Pharmacy. She was on the show last year and it is a privilege to have her on again, this time with Ayomide.

In this episode, Natasha opens up to Ayomide and me about her love for reading, how the use (or not) of social media has made her a more productive adult, her life as a Russian in the USA, and the cultural differences she has faced since she moved. Of course, she also bares her heart about how she feels about her home country in light of recent news.

If you are passionate about reading, personal development, cultural differences, and how to easily navigate them, this episode is surely for you.

I really enjoyed this episode and found it enlightening. I respect Natasha's intellect; so, it was inspiring to learn more about the values that have formed her and the perspectives she has gained. I think you will see what I mean as you listen.

благодарю вас

Mo! & Ayomide

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마흔 살이 되다| The One With The Two – On Birthdays & Meanings: Episode 3 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 마흔 살이 되다| The One With The Two – On Birthdays & Meanings: Episode 3 (2022)

When I turned 20, a dear friend, Dr. Olamiju, said to me: "Your 20s are for discovering what you want for your life. In your 30s, you put more meaning into those discoveries. Finally, at 40, you fully live that life in a well-defined way." – Mo!

With this quote in mind, Ayomide shared his thoughts on turning 40! He said he's made mistakes and tried many things, but the confidence he's garnered thus far is of limits and not of certainty.

Are birthdays societal constructs? Or are they reflective times? As you grow older, do you worry about how old you get? Do you worry about aging? What is your ideal birthday like? What expectations should one have and live up to as they grow older?

With the wisdom associated with aging, Ayomide dished out quite a lot of this, especially on accepting the reality of again and slowly dying (spoiler alert, we all are from age 20 and up).

This was quite a deep and retrospective episode.; so listen to this remarkable episode here.

PS: Do you, too, think birthdays are a social construct?! Let's hear from you.

Happy Birthday, Gramps!

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시간을 초월한 친구| The One With The Two – On Being Friends Across Space & Time: Episode 2 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 시간을 초월한 친구| The One With The Two – On Being Friends Across Space & Time: Episode 2 (2022)

The best friends to talk with are those friends that you agree enough that you can talk endlessly but you disagree enough that you can debate forever.

Friendship is a place for safety and comfort, so imagine how much more this can be with a “best friend!” What exactly is a best friend and who should a friend or best friend be in the real sense of the word?

Today, my friend and new co-host Doc Ayomide (who has been my friend for 18 years, BTW) shared his thoughts on friendship using our own friendship as an example. We look at our relationship throughout the years and how we have managed to remain friends.

In this episode, you’ll hear it all: the highs, lows, positives, and even the struggles we’ve had in our friendship and how we have managed to navigate and surpass them. You’ll also learn what true friendship really is and how to be intentional and deliberate in your own friendship, especially with people you really care about.

This is one episode you should share with that special friend or person in your life. It will help reinforce and strengthen the relationship you already have going! Don’t forget to tag and share this episode with your “best” friend.

Listen to this remarkable episode here.

Yours Friendly,

Mo! & Ayomide

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새해; 같은 목표| The One With Mo!nologue – New Year; Same Goals: Episode 1 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

새해; 같은 목표| The One With Mo!nologue – New Year; Same Goals: Episode 1 (2022)

The new year comes with a new season for The More Sibyl Podcast but for me, it's not always about resolutions but just implementing on goals I hope to achieve.

This episode is to welcome you all to Season Five of The More Sibyl Podcast and to unpack all that we have in store for you. In this episode, I give an update of the things I have been up to since you last heard from me, a recap of last season’s award winners, and what you should expect this season. I went off the tangent a little, but that’s fine too.

I shared a bit about my personal struggles, wins, plans, changes, and all I have been up to, in an encouraging way. Hoping you can glean something from this.

There’s a big change coming to the podcast, listen in to know exactly what it is!

This episode is quite inspirational, lighthearted, and vulnerable and you will learn a lot not only about me but about yourself and the real changes you should be making for yourself in 2022.

Listen to everything shared here.

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