아프리카의 아름다움과 성장| The One With Muloongo - On The Beauty and Growth of Africa: Episode 17 (2022)

아프리카의 아름다움과 성장| The One With Muloongo - On The Beauty and Growth of Africa: Episode 17 (2022)
Mo' Sibyl | Podcaster www.mosibyl.com


The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One With Muloongo - On The Beauty and Growth of Africa

We have a returning guest on the podcast! Muloongo was last with us in 2018, and it’s great to have her back.

Muloongo is a fierce advocate for Africa, a pan-African thought leader who blogs about African and global issues on her platform, ONGOLO, and her mission is to change the narrative about Africa as a continent with little to offer. Her blog provides news, insights, and analysis on business, economy, lifestyle, people, politics, sports, and travel. She has a global audience of people with a passion for Africa. She also has experience across many sectors, including oil and gas and management consulting, from her 17 years in the corporate space. She shared what she’s learned about switching and growing careers. 

Muloongo also shared her experience since returning from Singapore to  London and the other seven countries she has lived in, and the inspiration behind ongolo.com

As African arts and entertainment go ever more mainstream and global appreciation for Africa grows, there remains more work to be done, and we discussed with Muloongo about Africa’s politics and passivity, ideas and challenges, leadership, and strategies, and what each of us can to do help our continent more influential. We also hear about her books, career, and what she’s working on next. 
