아프로 캐리비안 교육자 | The One With Shanimarie Ogilvie: The Afro-Caribbean Educator: Episode 5 (2021)

아프로 캐리비안 교육자 | The One With Shanimarie Ogilvie: The Afro-Caribbean Educator: Episode 5 (2021)
Mo' Sibyl | Podcaster www.mosibyl.com


The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One With Shanimarie Ogilvie: The Afro-Caribbean Educator

When you hear of Jamaica, what comes to mind first? Tourism, weed, or Usain Bolt? Well, our guest today sets the record straight (no pun intended).

Shanimarie Ogilvie helps elementary teachers with 0 to 10 years of experience to manage their classrooms and effectively instruct young learners so that both student and teacher will feel fulfilled. She is also known for her listening skills, non-judgmental, results-oriented, laser-focused approach to instruction, and classroom management. She earned her Master of Education and a Supervisor Certification from Montclair State University and has spoken at the Rutgers School Culture and Improvement Project on implementing school culture goals; she currently works as an ELA Content Reviewer.

In this episode, we discuss racial identity, Jamaican culture, and how perceptions and stereotypes may differ from actual events. We also delved deep into Shanimarie’s passion for education, views on corporal punishment, tips for helping students whose learning pace seems slower than expected, and phrases to avoid telling kids when learning.

If, like me, you thought Jamaica was just a land flowing with weed and honey, then you are in for a surprise. Give it a listen!

Outro: Live to Raze again (Jamaica) by Triple D


