결혼기념일| The One with Mo! & TDawg – The 9th Wedding Anniversary: Episode 11 (2020)

결혼기념일| The One with Mo! & TDawg – The 9th Wedding Anniversary: Episode 11 (2020)
Mo' Sibyl | Podcaster www.mosibyl.com


The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Mo! & TDawg – The 9th Wedding Anniversary

What does a nine-marriage look like? Many things that are hard to explain or even try to fit into a pod episode. But that didn't stop us from trying. In this episode, which began with a fight (yes, at the very beginning), you will hear TDawg and I respond to answers sent in by our top supporters/fans (thank you, Sanket S, Tope O, Linda J, Adebola D, and Tutu P).

The questions ranged from our couple goals, what we think of couple's therapy/counseling, how we set healthy boundaries (find out who's more prone to emotional cheating), and how we balance relationships with our in-laws, and so much more.

Above all, this deeply flawed couple owes everything to God, therapy, and godly third-parties. For without them, we would not have made it this far.

PS: Do you agree with my assessment of TDawg's intellectualism vs. intelligence?

TDawg says: There's some security in vulnerability.

Recommended Song: “Love You Like That"– Dagny Norvoll Sandvik (2017)

Show Notes

Yours in Neuf.

Mo! + TDawg