마이크가 흔들릴 때| When the Mic Shakes: A Journey Back to Confidence as a Podcast Host: Episode 3 (2023)


The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: When the Mic Shakes: A Journey Back to Confidence as a Podcast Host

Guess who's back with a lot of energy and some confidence? Yes, your favorite podcast host is back! I don't know anyone better to return here with and discuss my walk to podcasting confidence than Bimpe, my childhood friend. Yes, I lost some confidence, and this episode was my attempt to regain it. Or a semblance of it. What caused this loss in confidence? Well, turned out it was several factors. You gotta listen to find these out.

We discussed the difficulty of maintaining hobbies and passions when life becomes hectic. Bimpe offered helpful advice on rekindling interest in things you once enjoyed amidst the concept of self-limitation and the importance of self-discipline. Finally, the conversation concluded with a powerful message to never give up on your dreams, no matter how difficult they appear to pursue. 

I’d like to hear from you. Please share your experience regaining confidence and consistency after life's busyness has taken it away.

Read the blog here:  https://mosibyl.medium.com/when-the-mic-shakes-351c8ce4554b