결혼에 관하여| The One with Iyanu Adedipe – On What No One Tells You About Marriage: Episode 28 (2020)

결혼에 관하여| The One with Iyanu Adedipe – On What No One Tells You About Marriage: Episode 28 (2020)
Mo' Sibyl | Podcaster www.mosibyl.com


The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Iyanu Adedipe – On What No One Tells You About Marriage

When two people with different stories, ideas, backgrounds, and expectations fall in love, getting married seems like the next step to take. But beyond just loving each other, their ability to manage their differences is a crucial factor that will keep them together.

In this episode, I have my sister-in-law, Iyanu Adedipe, on the show to talk about our marriages to twin brothers. Iyanu is married to my husband’s twin, Kehinde. She is a mixologist, a lover of rice and fish sauce, and the only one I know who goes to the movies alone. Really, who does that? #Serialkillerswannabe.

We critically examined the role of communication in maintaining a happy marriage, the importance of continuously teaching one another, unfulfilled expectations, and dealbreakers in marriage—all these with shared with some laughter too.

If you are curious to find out the back story between Taiwo and me, then this is the episode you’ll get the full gist. The good thing for you is that our husbands don’t listen to this podcast anyway, so go on ahead and download and enjoy the whole gossip and a half.

Recommended Song: “Marriage (결혼)”– MoonMoon (2017)


