사명을 가진 남자| The One With Dr. Henry Olamiju - Man On A Mission: Episode 21 (2022)

사명을 가진 남자| The One With Dr. Henry Olamiju - Man On A Mission: Episode 21 (2022)
Mo' Sibyl | Podcaster www.mosibyl.com


The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One With Dr. Henry Olamiju - Man On A Mission

In this episode, we have Dr. Henry Olamiju - our dear friend from Uni days! It’s also the first podcast he’s featured on, so yay!

Henry, a minister of the gospel and medic, grew up in Lagos, Nigeria, and currently lives in the UK. He’s the first child of three boys and graduated from the University of Lagos, where Ayomide and I met him independently. Over the last twelve years, he’s worked in medical missions and has held many leadership positions in the last twenty-six years. 

He shared how Lagos was when he was growing up in the 80s, giving us heartwarming stories of his experiences and the difference from what it is today. He gave a few examples of what amazed him about being in the UK, the cultural and fundamental problems and challenges his home country has, and how he thinks they can be solved. We also dwelled on the grief that comes with living abroad.

We talked about punctuality in various places in the world, contrasting how these countries have developed promptness or not and the things we have lost due to migrating to the West.  How has he been building a community and bonding in a new country? How has he been raising his family with intentionality in the UK? 

Henry is a man so passionate about not just Nigeria but everything he lays his hands on. The conversation was informative and fun, and we are humbled to have him share his knowledge with us. 

Mo! and Ayomide
