한류| The One with Mojung Sylvia Kim – On Hallyu - South Korea's Pop Culture Wave: Episode 31 (2020)

한류| The One with Mojung Sylvia Kim – On Hallyu - South Korea’s Pop Culture Wave: Episode 31 (2020)
Mo' Sibyl | Podcaster www.mosibyl.com


The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Mojung Sylvia Kim – On Hallyu - South Korea’s Pop Culture Wave

I am very excited about this episode because it centers on my adopted country, South Korea. For over ten years, I have indulged in this one and only guilty pleasure - Korean Dramas, aka K-Dramas. Asides the several reasons I love them, watching K-Dramas have played a great role in elevating my understanding of the Korean culture and language.

To do justice to this subject, I brought my Korean sister and teacher, Mojung Kim. Mojung is a Korean living in America and undergoing her Master's in Early Childhood Education at the University of Central Oklahoma.

In this episode, we trace it right to the beginning, examining Korea's history and the events that lead to the Korean wave, also known as "Hallyu “ (a Chinese term). We examined the concepts of Han and Jeong, the writing style of K-Dramas, the unique romantic display, the dark sides of the Korean culture, amongst others.

If you are new to watching K-Dramas, this episode is a must-listen as we provided recommendations of our favorite shows and where to get them. And if you are wondering how Korea got to be so cool, then go ahead and listen as well.

For me, I would love to see the future collaborations between Nigeria's Nollywood and Korean entertainment.

한국 만세,



Where to get K-Dramas:

  • Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/

  • Viki: https://www.viki.com/

  • On Demand Korea: https://www.ondemandkorea.com/

  • Asian Crush: https://www.asiancrush.com/

  • Read more about Hallyu here