최고의 삶| The One with Dr. Peace Uche - Empowered to Live Your Best Life: Episode 7 (2021)

최고의 삶| The One with Dr. Peace Uche - Empowered to Live Your Best Life: Episode 7 (2021)
Mo' Sibyl | Podcaster www.mosibyl.com


The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Dr. Peace Uche - Empowered to Live Your Best Life

It is not uncommon to find professionals stuck to jobs that no longer satisfy them, especially when the pay is too juicy to let go. However, people like today's guest - Dr. Peace - have taken the giant leap of faith, stepping out from the comfort of their job security to live authentic to their purpose.

Dr. Peace Uche, trained as a doctor of pharmacy, describes herself as a transformational rhythmic speaker, empowerment guru, and radio show personality. She has guided hundreds of women in creating a life they deserve and desire by honing their innate gifts & talents and pursuing their passions.

In this episode, Dr. Peace shares with us the moment of epiphany that lead her to quit her job as a pharmacist, the hurdles she scaled during her transition process, and what it means to be an "empowerment guru." This episode strives to inspire you to share your talents with the world and encourage you to live your best life unapologetically.

Dr. Peace gave us seven power tips to help us shine, don't miss out on the fantastic resource.


  • Free resource: bit.ly/7tipstoshine

  • Website: docpeaceofmind.com

