다왔어| The One with Mo!+Olabimpe [Hot Seat Edition 2] - "I Came, I Saw, I Podcast:" Episode 11 (2018)

다왔어| The One with Mo!+Olabimpe [Hot Seat Edition 2]: "I Came, I Saw, I Podcast:" Episode 11 (2018)
Mo' Sibyl | Podcaster

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The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

Nigeria: A $hithole Country?¿! Nah, it’s not but how else was I supposed to get your attention, ey?! Hehe.

It’s no news that Mo! is back from Nigeria. In this episode, I answered several questions that were sent in from my listeners and friends regarding my just-concluded trip to Nigeria. We talked about everything ranging from food, social issues, traffic, politics, music, getting detained by the cops, why I won’t be moving back home just yet, getting high (on not what you think), how I evaded prying questions from my well-meaning countrymen and countrywomen, what I loved and disliked about my trip, and so much more. Thank you to every one of you who sent in the questions; you made this episode rock!

Outro-ish song: Ire by Adekunle Gold. This song has been my current earworm. It takes me faster back home than a one-way first-class ticket.

PS: This is a long episode, but I think you will love the dynamic between Olabimpe and me.

PPS: My friends call me Tolani too (Olabimpe called me this all through the episode); it’s from my full name Mo-Tolani.

PPPS: As a thank-you favor to Olabimpe, I am asking this for her. Does anyone know anyone who knows anyone who knows Lynxxx – the Nigerian rapper/singer? She would love to get his attention as she’s one of his biggest fans. #Askingforafriend



Food I liked: Native rice and fish 😊

Foods I could not eat: Street roasted plantains (boli) ☹

On environmental pollution in Lagos: “Let’s forget about saving the whales and the trees. We need to start saving ourselves.”

The highlight of going back home: I was not Black anymore but your average Nigerian (Yoruba) girl.

The best thing about Nigeria: Nigerians - the love, the intentionality, the warmth, no Dutch pay.

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