미혼 여성의 삶: The One with Jirade Bepo - On Being Single: The Female Perspective: Episode 12 (2021)

미혼 여성의 삶: The One with Jirade Bepo - On Being Single: The Female Perspective: Episode 12 (2021)
Mo' Sibyl | Podcaster www.mosibyl.com


The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Jirade Bepo - On Being Single: The Female Perspective

WIn continuation of our ongoing relationship series, we will be talking about the female perspective of being single. Our guest is Mojirade Bepo, a God-lover with a unique and special personality. She studied Hotel and Catering Management at Yaba College of Technology, Yaba, Lagos, and is the CEO of Jirade Diadem; a Catering Outfit specialized in producing indigenous dry snacks. She also doubles as my c̶r̶a̶c̶k̶ plantain chips supplier (erhmerhgerd, they are so delish!).

She enjoys telling edifying stories and is passionate about seeing families well established with priorities set right. For fun, she loves to travel, sing, and dance.

In this episode, Jirade was candid about her journey as a single lady in her early forties, letting us in on the emotional challenges and the social discrimination she has endured on account of being single, as well as how she overcame them.  We also talked extensively about how she handled the negative emotions that arose with the wedding of her younger siblings, managing loneliness, and her hopes for the future.

Jirade left nothing on the table in this conversation; listen to get all the details.

PS: If you are in Nigeria and need some decadent dry snacks like p'chips and chinchin, hit my girl Jirade up via here: 08034116905 or on IG @jiradeventures. Trust me, one taste, and you are hooked. Why? Ten years later, I am still hooked, haha.

Choose Joy,

모 /Mo!/